PCC five years on

PCC five years on By Atty. Johannes Benjamin R. Bernabe 10 February 2021 The Philippine Competition Commission commemorated the fifth anniversary of its establishment on February 1 without much of a celebration. We have the pandemic to blame for that, even though the agency has continued to function and carry out its mandate during the… continue reading ››

Competition law in times of natural disasters

Competition law in times of natural disasters By Atty. Emerson B. Aquende December 9, 2020   The successive typhoons that devastated large swathes of Luzon in November, and the massive flooding that recently inundated Metro Manila and Cagayan province have once again raised to the national consciousness the vulnerability of the Philippines to natural disasters…. continue reading ››

Mergers and the PCC during Covid

Mergers and the PCC during Covid By Atty. Johannes R. Bernabe November 25, 2020   Mergers and acquisitions have slowed down in the last eight months since the country went on lockdown to reduce the risk of spreading Covid-19. With the uncertainty of the extent of decrease in demand for goods and services looming large,… continue reading ››

Striking while the iron is hot

Striking while the iron is hot By Atty. Macario R. De Claro Jr., CPA October 28, 2020   Months have passed since the national government enforced lockdown measures to curb the onslaught of the Covid-19 pandemic. In that time frame, the world was brought to its knees worse than ever—halting global mobility, accelerating economic slowdown,… continue reading ››

Anatomy of a competitive online marketplace

Anatomy of a competitive online marketplace By Atty. Amabelle C. Asuncion July 15, 2020 Are you looking for a hard-to-find product? Or perhaps a pantry supply that ran out? Or maybe personal hygiene products that you cannot go out to buy because of fear of Covid-19? Look no further, the marketplace is right in your… continue reading ››

Competition law in the time of Covid and beyond

Competition law in the time of Covid and beyond By Atty. Johannes Benjamin R. Bernabe June 24, 2020   Much is being said about the need to adjust laws and regulations to facilitate business operations and economic recovery during the community quarantine and the “new normal” that comes after. Initiatives abound in both houses of… continue reading ››

A conflict of laws?

A conflict of laws? Atty. Johannes R. Bernabe September 25, 2019   Intellectual property law and competition law have traditionally  been seen as at odds with one another. The conflict owes to the premise that intellectual property law is intended to protect the rights of inventors, artists, writers and businesses through the grant of patents,… continue reading ››