The Philippine Competition Commission (PCC), in partnership with the World Bank Group (WBG), conducted a three-day workshop on anti-cartel enforcement last Feb. 21-23. International competition experts, including Israeli Antitrust Authority Investigations and Intelligence Unit Director Haim Abriv, Israeli Antitrust Authority Senior Investigator Gadi Perl, Federal Economic Competition Commission (COFECE) Cartel Investigations Unit Director Victor Meyer, principal in the antitrust, securities, and financial regulation practices of New York’s Global Economics Group Prof. Rosa Abrantes-Metz, and World Bank Group Senior Economist and Competition Policy Specialist Dr. Graciela Miralles, discussed various investigative methods and interrogation techniques for a more effective enforcement of anti-cartel laws and policies worldwide. Participants include high-level PCC officials, employees, partner government agencies, and competition specialists from the academe.