Commission Decision No. 15-M-022/2017 Acquisition by Partners Group Holding AG
of Asia Outsourcing Philippines Holdings Inc., SPi Global Shared Services Pte. Ltd. (Singapore), and its Affiliates and Subsidiaries
SPi Global Content Holding Pte. Ltd., a Singaporean investment holding company, ultimately controlled by Partners Group Holdings AG, a global private markets investment management company with assets under management in the area of private equity, private real estate, private infrastructure, and private debt, proposes to acquire the entirety of the allotted and issued shares of Asia Outsourcing Philippines Holdings, Inc., SPi Global Shared Service Pte. Ltd. (Singapore) and related companies (collectively referred to as “SPi Global”). SPi Global is a provider of content-related technology solutions and business process outsourcing services to support education, scientific, technical, and medical publishers and business applications customers.