Consistent with our vision to be a world-class competition authority in promoting fair market competition, the Philippine Competition Commission (PCC) is committed to prevent business practices that substantially lessen competition, resulting in higher prices, lower quality of goods and services, and lacking innovation. The PCC remains steadfast in upholding its objective to advance consumer welfare.
Fair market competition and consumer welfare are at the forefront of the PCC’s advocacies.
Competition prompts businesses to innovate and offer quality products and efficient services at affordable prices. Competition among entities leads to more business opportunities, especially for small and medium enterprises, and consequently more choices for the consumers.
Competition benefits businesses too. It ensures access to supplies and inputs needed for their economic activity, such as raw materials, labor and financing.
For more information on the benefits of competition law, you may refer to:
An Introduction to Competition Law
Primer on the Philippine Competition Act
Handbook for the General Public: How the PCA Affects Consumers
Guide for Businesses – Why Competition is Good for your Business
The PCC does not tolerate practices that harm competition and the Filipino consumers.
The Philippine Competition Act makes it illegal for competitors to collude in ways that lead to higher prices, reduced supply, and limited choices. It also prohibits businesses from abusing their dominant position in the market.
The PCA prohibits agreements between or among competitors such as price fixing, bid rigging, market sharing, or output limitation, among others.
Learn more about Anti-Competitive Agreements here.
Can you spot an Anti-Competitive Agreement? Take a Quiz!
Are you involved in an Anti-Competitive Agreement? Apply for Leniency.
An entity or group of entities is prohibited from engaging in any conduct which amounts to an abuse of dominant position in the relevant market.
Foreclosure may happen when firms abuse their dominant position by selling goods or services below cost, establishing barriers that hinder other businesses from entering or growing in the market, imposing trade restrictions and unfairly low purchase or selling price, and limiting markets or technical development to the prejudice of consumers, among others.
Learn more about Abuse of Dominant Position here.
Can you spot an Abuse of Dominant Position? Take a Quiz!
If you suspect that any business, company, or organization is behaving in an anti-competitive manner, and such conduct may constitute a possible violation of the PCA, the best course of action is to report it immediately to the PCC at
The PCC will continue to update this resource page to answer common questions that stakeholders may have with respect to competition enforcement during the crisis.
In addition, we have compiled the links below to guide the public on the work that we do, as well as our strategic priorities: