2017 Rules on Merger Procedure

The Commission en banc approved the merger procedure rules under Commission Resolution No. 26-2017, which was issued on November 9, 2017. The Rules on Merger Procedure of the Philippine Competition Commission (PCC) has been published in a newspaper of general circulation on 23 November 2017. The Rules on Merger Procedure shall be used to guide PCC… continue reading ››

Commission Decision No. 31-M-051/2017 Acquisition of Presage Corporation of shares in Negros Island Biomass Holdings, Inc.

Commission Decision No. 31-M-051/2017 Acquisition of Presage Corporation of shares in Negros Island Biomass Holdings, Inc. ABSTRACT: Presage Corporation (“Presage”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of AC Energy Holdings, Inc, intends to acquire Negros Island Biomass Holdings, Inc. (“Islabio”). Islabio owns shares in three (3) subsidiaries—namely, the South Negros Biopower, Inc.; North Negros Biopower, Inc.; and San… continue reading ››